Thursday, November 16, 2006


Remember Guns n' Roses' "Civil War?" The first narrative line goes: "what we've got here is failure to communicate." In our case, "what we've got here is failure to make a goal."

11th Alaska Cup 2006. IRRI Men's team had no wins, made no goals and, oh boy, were they generous... Four games and 28 goals. All against us. Bummer. Well, call it sour graping, we were bracketed with teams raring for the championship. They doing half and full volley kicks, mid field attempts (I think one even got it!). They have bodies built for medium weight wrestlers!

First game, beginning of the first half, "IRRI, let's play!" Second half, "IRRI, let's pray!" Imagine that...

But all did not end in total failure. The women's team fared much better than last year, and much, much better than us! Two wins, one draw and one loss, however, was not enough for them to advance to the next stage. Still, being part of the "team management," it was great improvement for the ladies. :) Congratulations!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


is my birthday! November 7. And I am 30... so that would make it 1976. :) Well, not quite 30, yet. My mother was always recalling that she gave birth to me at around 10 o'clock in the evening and boy, did I give her a hard time.

I don't know my specs when I came out (weight, etc..., hey which reminds me to look for my baby book!), but I was a blue baby! Nanay described: the umbilical cord was entwined and entangled around my neck and my face was all blue.

More can be read on blue baby syndrome here (c/o wikipedia):

Anyway, Nanay and I survived the ordeal of my birth. :) And I am happy. :)

From Baby Pics